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3 Components, 1 Way:
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Eastern and Western wisdom united in the heart of Europe - the Bavarian Forest
Individual introspection = classic Naikan
A one-week silent retreat that uses three simple questions to help you re-experience your past. You will be left to your own personal reflection for the week, with contact only to the guide.
Naikan is a tool that allows you to see the facts of your life without the usual dramas and can therefore be seen as a “self-therapy” or crisis management tool. Used regularly, it has a lasting effect and changes your perspective.
Introspection & Nature = Naikan in Nature
The classic one-week introspection takes place largely in nature, in silence and while walking. Again, you remain to yourself, with contact only to the guide.
Path of Change = group experience
Get to know Naikan, Morita and Zen in a unique way. Similar to a shared living situation, you will live, learn and laugh for a week in the house of your guide. You can implement new ideas for shaping a happy life directly at home...
Classic Introspection
Naikan classic
means to retreat for a week. Similar to a retreat to the monastery or participating in a Seshin, you step back from everyday life and devote yourself exclusively to your own past.
The foundation is three questions that you apply to relationships:
1) What have I received from the person?
2) What have I given to the person?
3) What troubles and difficulties have I caused the person?
The daily routine during the Naikan week is structured:
The day starts with a "Gong",
there are three meals,
a short period of working meditation,
and a "Gong" ends the day.
The itrospection is only briefly interrupted by the above mentioned occasions. Throughout the day, your own biography is viewed chronologically with the three questions, the periods are completed by short interviews with your Naikan guide, which are held about 9 times a day.
You do not have to care about anything else, no phone calls or emails - you only need to be there for yourself.
For companies / departments , there is a possibility to integrate the 3-question method in a way that is adapted to processes in a company.
Please contact us:
+49 (0) 8552 - 975 49 10, info(at)naikan-zentrum.de.
Introspection &
Naikan in Nature – the slightly different Naikan
Some people have a special relationship with nature and feel most comfortable outdoors, in the fresh air and in motion. This form of meditative introspection is intended for them.
Depending on the weather, each day we roam through the national park on less frequented forest trails, sometimes for several hours up to all day, if the weather is particularly nice. During meditative, slow walking we practice Naikan, which means we reflect on a person in a certain period of time from our past and ask the three Naikan questions:
1) What have I received from this person?
2) What have I given to this person?
3) What troubles and difficulties have I caused?
Breaks are taken at regular intervals to summarize what has been worked out and to prepare for the interview, which takes place with Sabine . In this interview, two to three examples are given for each question. The answers are neither validated nor rated.
As usual in the classic Naikan, except for the short interviews the walks are in silence.
When rain is pouring, we stay inside and you practice in your room.
For companies / departments this form of the 3-question method can be adapted to special requirements.
Please contact us:
+49 (0) 8552 - 975 49 10, info(at)naikan-zentrum.de.
Path of Change
"Give yourself up. Start now to become active while you are neurotic or imperfect or a procrastinator or unhealthy or lazy or any other label you inappropriately use to describe yourself. Go ahead and be the best imperfect person you can be and start the things you want to accomplish before you die." (Dr. Shoma Morita)
In this program, you and your fellow players and companions will experience how it is possible to stay calm and collected in difficult times. And all in a relaxed way that is unusual for seminars.
Our program is a rewarding experience for anyone who wants to make positive changes to themselves and their environment.
What you can expect in detail:
- Daily morning exercises and evening self-reflection times to strengthen body and mind
- Sessions and exercises in Naikan, Morita and Zen
- An introduction to Kaizen (the path of small steps)
- Individual conversations on your personal questions, challenges and goals
- FOREST and the power it contains (forest bathing, Shinrin-Yoku)
- Healthy vegetarian food prepared in community
- Access to materials and books related to the topics discussed
- Community, music, games and lots of laughter
- A beautiful, quiet environment that ideally supports your self-awareness process
We offer the program in a short (4 days, 3 nights = 450 - 700 €) and the longer form (8 days, 7 nights = 990 - 1490 €). The fee-range is dependent of your income, you are free to choose any amount and don't need to proof anything.
The program is excellent for companies, as a team building activity, incentive and more. It can be individually adjusted.
Please contact us: